Do you have burning foot pain? Here's some information about it what it's called, the symptoms, and how to get relief!

What is my burning foot pain called?

Burning foot pain is called Mortons Neuroma. It typically feels like radiating pain, tingling, and burning into the third and fourth toes. The entrapment of the interdigital nerve causes the condition. This can create a thickening of the tissue that surrounds the nerve. Consequently, the pain usually worsens when standing, walking or running. 

What are the symptoms?

Beyond the burning sensation, you might feel like there is a pebble stuck inside your shoe, or that the sock or shoe lining is bunched under the ball of your foot. 

How can I get relief from my burning foot?

Metatarsal pads spread the arch behind the ball of your foot. The key to placing met pads is to make sure they’re pressing into the space behind the ball of the foot, not under the ball. This specific position of the pad ensures that pressure is distributed so no part of your foot carries more than it can handle. Pads can lessen the pressure on the nerve and will decrease the pressure on the nerve while weight bearing.

What should I avoid doing?

Don't wear heels that slide the foot forward or force you to keep your center of gravity over your toes. This will cause you to walk with excess pressure through the ball of the foot. The nerves that run between the metatarsals can get squeezed if the bones migrate towards each from poor standing, running postures, or even wearing shoes that are too narrow or tight.

This can be an easy OTC fix for neuroma pain however always make sure to check with your doctor if the pain, burning or numbness has you concerned! 

Leave a comment if you’ve dealt with this or have ever used a metatarsal pad to help! SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS WHO NEED TO BE IN THE KNOW! :-)
