Functional Health Coaching


Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) is a holistic approach that utilizes advanced functional lab testing to uncover underlying health issues that traditional medical tests might miss. The cornerstone of FDN includes assessing DRESS (Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress reduction, and Supplementation) protocols and identifying HIDDEN stressors (Hormone, Immune, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy production, and Nervous system). By addressing these stressors, FDN aims to restore optimal function to the body's systems. Individuals benefit from FDN by receiving personalized insights into their health, allowing for targeted interventions that promote long-term wellness, balance, and vitality. This comprehensive method empowers clients to take control of their health and achieve sustainable improvements.

My Journey: Embracing FDN Principles for Holistic Healing

As an aging female athlete, I found myself battling persistent muscle and joint pain. During perimenopause, I noticed it took much longer to recover from overuse injuries, a sign of oxidative stress. My menstrual cycle became erratic, painful, and difficult to manage. Sleep eluded me, fatigue was overwhelming, and I had no motivation. Worst of all, my digestion was in turmoil, with chronic bloating and discomfort.

My journey to healing began when lab tests revealed a gluten sensitivity. I went gluten-free, which was the first step towards reclaiming my health. However, I also learned that my relentless push in training had driven me into an exhaustive phase of compensation. My body struggled to repair the damage caused by overexercising, lack of sleep, and improper nutrition.

I made significant changes to my diet, eliminating foods that caused inflammation. I incorporated movement activities that promoted recovery and began a tailored supplementation regimen to address a gut pathogen that had thrown my microbiome out of balance. By adhering to the 90-day principles of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), I experienced remarkable transformations.

My chronic pain disappeared, and my body’s ability to heal rapidly returned. My digestion normalized, leading to a flat stomach free from bloat. My menstrual cycle became regular and manageable. This holistic approach allowed me to hit the reset button on my health.

My journey has reinforced my belief that it is possible at any age, especially in middle age, to rejuvenate the body through individualized, non-medicalized care. The philosophy of FDN is not about chasing symptoms or adhering to a "pill for every ill" mentality. True healing occurs when the body is supported, given the right nutrients, and allowed to adapt gracefully.

My motto is simple: It is never too late to embark on a path to wellness. By understanding and addressing the unique needs of our bodies, we can achieve lasting health and vitality.

Uncovering the Roots of Chronic Health Challenges with FDN Coaching

Many individuals experience a range of health issues that traditional medical approaches often overlook or inadequately address. Here are a few that I’ve heard in my practice:

  • "All my labs are normal, but I still feel tired and fatigued."

  • "I was discharged from therapy because they didn't know how else to help me."

  • "I've tried so many things, but nothing is making me feel better."

  • "My digestion is a mess, and I constantly feel bloated."

  • "I can't seem to manage my weight, no matter what I do."

  • "My menstrual cycle is erratic and painful, disrupting my life."

  • "I struggle with chronic pain and slow recovery from injuries."

These frustrations can leave you feeling hopeless and unsure of where to turn next. This is where my expertise as an FDN Functional Health Coach comes in. I am dedicated to digging deeper and uncovering the hidden stressors that may be contributing to your health issues.

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) focuses on identifying and addressing HIDDEN stressors in your body:

  • Hormone imbalances that disrupt your overall well-being.

  • Immune system dysfunctions that leave you vulnerable and fatigued.

  • Detoxification pathways that are overloaded and unable to clear toxins efficiently.

  • Digestion issues that cause discomfort and nutrient absorption problems.

  • Energy production inefficiencies that leave you feeling drained and exhausted.

  • Nervous system imbalances that contribute to stress and poor health outcomes.

Take the First Step Toward Transformation

If you’re tired of feeling unwell despite being told that "everything looks fine," it’s time to take a different approach. As your FDN Functional Wellness Coach, I will work with you to uncover and address the root causes of your health challenges. By utilizing advanced functional lab testing and personalized protocols, we can identify the specific stressors impacting your health and develop a tailored plan to restore balance and vitality.

Take the first step towards achieving your optimal self and living your best life. Let's dig deeper together and find the hidden stressors that are holding you back. Contact me today to start your journey towards comprehensive wellness and sustainable health. Your path to a vibrant, energized, and balanced life begins here.