Compensation and the art of cheating movement

The more "complex" the movement, thought, experience, relationship...the easier it is to find a way to compensate, escape, bow out, make excuses. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
As a bodyworker and movement enthusiast, I am always amazed how we go from developing infants trying out our bodies from rolling to crawling to standing to running into adults who run but can't stand, can't crawl or can't roll. Now, when I say "can't" do these things, I mean that they have forgotten deep biomechanical and neurological patterns of motion. They wonder why they get injured doing a push up when they have no sense of their core stability. They wonder why they get injured bending down to tie their shoe when they have no sense that their glutes have been weak for decades. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We take movement for granted as adults and then get angry when it gets taken away yet we never take the time to assess ourselves: our flexibility, our strength, our stability, our power. We just assume it's there at all times and then think linear training is going to fix things or adding orthotics to our shoes or wearing the compression brace or pushing through workouts because our ego is running the show. We want the "quick fix" the magic pill, the rocket boost.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It doesn't and never works that way. This physical machine that we've been given is a blessed vessel. If a movement, relationship, conversation, experience (fill in the rest) doesn't feel good, STOP DOING IT! Don't find an easier way because I guarantee, that easier way is going to come back and bite you right in the ass. Compensation only leads to further degradation.