Try this easy peasy DIY pillow hack.
With all the hundreds of pillows out there to choose from, why are most of us never satisfied? I don’t know about you but I personally can’t sleep without my buckwheat pillow...but that’s a whole different video.
This right here is how to hack your pillow if you are sleeping without your favorite one (on vacation or at a sleepover 🙊🙈🙉)


Poor sleeping postures can be made worse with poor pillow support. The neck has a natural curve and this must be maintained throughout the night. Sleep on your back for the win! Side sleepers can use this hack as well since your neck curve still needs support in side-lying. All you belly sleepers out there, you’re 💩 outta luck. No Bueno across the board on this position.

• Find a hand towel.
• Roll it to be as thin or thick as you need it to support YOUR neck.
• Place it into the pillowcase.
• Voila!

When you flatten the curve in your neck and leave it unsupported, you can stretch the soft tissue, compress the vertebrae and/or increase pressure on the nerve roots that run to the arms and hands. This will cause a decrease in electrical conductivity and cause them to “fall asleep”. Just like a kink in a water hose.

Drop me a 🙌🏼 if this is you and let’s get you a decent night sleep 😴