Have you ever uttered those words? Well, it’s not just a saying. There is a physiological reason for connecting the feeling and the gut expression.

It’s called the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA for short). It is a bidirectional (goes both ways) communication highway between our nervous system which stems from our brain and our intestinal function. The cross talk between the two use microbiome (microbes) to help us stay healthy...stress, fears, anxieties, negative self talk has a HUGE impact on the way these microbes work in our gut and how they are like Oz behind the curtain in manipulating our immune system, nervous system, skin system, actually all of our systems to function well.

Here are 3 ways great ways to help facilitate a good GBA relationship:
1. Proper diet. Include foods that are prebiotic/probiotic. Fermented foods are great but be careful if you have mold allergies/sensitivity. Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids are a great addition as well!
2. EXERCISE! Movement increases our core temp and improves how quickly stool passes. A sluggish intestine means a longer contact time between gut pathogens and the intestinal mucosal layer.
Get it moving to get it out!
3. STRESS REDUCTION! Meditation, breathing techniques, Acupuncture, massage, warm baths...anything that can dampen the fight/flight response!

Comment below on what you do for stress reduction? Please, share your knowledge with us!