We all know endings and beginnings but did you know that the gate that sits between the two is one that can be opened by HOPE?

Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that the Liver energy is responsible for the smoothness of flow through the body. Like the energy of water moving down a smooth, rockless river, this flow of energy when uninterrupted will allow ourselves to feel free and relaxed. When there are many dams and the water can’t flow smoothly, a back flow appears and restrictive feelings emerge. This is known as stagnation of the Liver energy. It often brings with it both physical and emotional pain.

2020 has been an entire year of stagnant Liver energy. Imbalances of this meridian results in frustration, irritability, resentment. It stops us from forward momentum and keeps us stuck and unmoving. It restricts our breathing and keeps us face down in our personal trauma.

When one goes through trauma, whether physically or emotionally, we often reflexively hold or take shallow breaths. We close down our diaphragm from fully expanding and prevent oxygen rich air to fill us up fully. The diaphragm connects us with our very first breath of life at the moment we are born and is the last contraction made upon our death. It begins and ends our life cycle.

So let’s take a collective deep breath tonight at midnight as we breathe in the HOPE of the New Year and allow the beginning of a new cycle.

TIP: Massage this point while taking 3 deep breaths. Do this whenever you feel stuck or need to break through an emotional, mental or physical barrier.

Comment and let me know if your Liver 14 point is tender or if one side is more sensitive than the other. Or if you are a breath holder or what connection have you made with your body when you are stressed.