I’ve been asked this question many times over the past 6 months and haven’t had many specific answers. As a very young PT starting out in my career in the late 90’s, I’ve had my experience in  Pulmonary rehab, Cardiac rehab and certainly my specialty came to be Musculoskeletal rehab. However, fast forward to now, when patients are dealing with multiple organ dysfunctions at once and the research guidelines of yesteryear do not apply to todays situation, the answer to this question has no concrete research behind it (yet). 

An athlete, whether they are recreational or pro, use movement to enhance their physical, emotional and mental well being. When an athlete gets sick and they cannot move their bodies, their psycho-emotional system takes a big toll. Calling for a BIG need in mental therapies (beyond physical exercise) to combat depression, anxiety and PTSD like symptoms related to the possible repercussions of their illness or injuries. 

I gathered together the most recent research on Pub-Med to find out the guidelines for returning to activities post infection. Unfortunately, the literature is weak since this is an ongoing pandemic with dysfunctions occurring post infection. So, I summarized the research and put it into a more digestible format.

As a PT and an Acupuncturist who treats both recreational and professional athletes, my suggestion will remain regardless of pandemic quality illness: WHENEVER RETURNING TO YOUR ACTIVITY, NEVER PUSH YOURSELF PAST YOUR FATIGUE DURING YOUR RECOVERY PERIOD! 

This goes for those returning to exercise after any injury or illness. The body, in a healing state NEEDS the time to heal. Our mind wants more but our body needs time. Exercise is absolutely imperative for overall good health but a “push more” “push through” “go more” activity will only send you backwards. 

Listen to your body. If you feel familiar pains or tightness or restrictions, DON’T GO THERE! If you listen to your body (and not your mind…because in these instances, the saying “mind over matter” needs to be curbed), you will know when you can push yourself. Don’t let EGO be your guide here…it never leads you anywhere good! 

And one last thing, if you REALLY listen to your body, you will intuitively know when it is time to progress. 


You no longer are experiencing PTSD of your illness/injury. 

You no longer fear moving.

You have a clear bill of health from your health care provider. 

Comment below what your experience has been finding a groove after an illness or injury. Our community needs to support each other!